
February 2, 2010

Why I Write

Hi there.

I've just started this blog because I can't take reading and being just a spectator anymore. I've tried to write all things important to me before, but in Croatian, my native tongue, and realized that it ain't gonna get me anywhere, at least not the way I was doing it. (And here's the how: waaaay to personal, with extra long sentences, running through one interest for every two weeks, seldom writing enough to keep the blog(s) going, and so on. Not to say that it's gonna change.:)

I've been a writer for the best part of my life. Not that I ever did anything even remotely productive with it. It feels like it's always just been - if I had to give up writing or breathing, I'd lose breathing, thank you very much.* I just didn't have the guts to go out and just write. Anything. Lately (and it's almost been 6 months now) it's like I've found every possible reason there is in the book to give up writing. But still I kept doing it, sometimes just a sentence a day, and didn't even think about it. It does come that naturally to me.

A few things kept coming back to me from the back of my mind - things that people like Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar and even, as I heard, P. D. James said - if you want to write, you have to find the time and the effort necessary for writing. And you can start. Everyone can give it a shot. Even my own, now almost a decade old idea of a "writer" was simply a person who wrote. Doesn't matter how, doesn't matter why. Just write.

Thus, I write.** Starting this one (and it could easily be my 10th blog ever) I only have a few vague ideas where I want to go with it. Yeah, there's minimalism, but there's also personal finance, and any idea of freedom I might come up with in the next couple of months. I'll just take the plunge (and won't forget to take a deep breath) and hit publish. Let's see what happens next.*

*(Just to note it, there's a quote from one of my favourite writers hidden somewhere in there - Lois McMaster Bujold. I'll probably mention a quote of hers in almost any post I write. Junkie, and proud!)
**(It's really been ages, but this flavor text from an old Magic: The Gathering trading card really stuck with me. I wonder why.:)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the way you sound in english.. Completely different. A pleasure to read <3
