

Just some simple things I need to say about this blog and the haircut that's behind it...:
All Else (Is...)
My name is Vesna, and I currently live between Rijeka and Zagreb, Croatia. The past year was quite a journey for me, having discovered frugality and many more wonderful things those first blogs (I still come back to from time to time) taught me about. Personal finance is, and probably forever will be, one of my favourite hobbies, so you're free to expect posts on that topic, though not that often.

It's been only recently that I discovered minimalism, instantly feeling that I've found my "religion". Call it whatever you wish, the relaxation I feel while reading minimalist articles (be it about walking, decluttering or enjoying life in its natural ways) can be compared to only a few things. So, I've begun my own, very simple journey towards simplifying my life. (As I read in the Zen Macrobiotics only a few days ago, the first step is to change the world for yourself. Then you can begin dreaming about changing it for someone else. :)

With this blog I want to share my experience in the adventurous ways of being/becoming a minimalist, but also a bookworm, ex-scout girl, creativity addict, and, simply, green. I truly hope you find something here for your pleasure as well, and don't get lost in all the parentheses along the way.;)

Enjoy and, by all means, feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!;)