There's a green status next to those already in motion. The stuff I do will eventually become orange.:)
I'm getting really excited about this!
OFFICIAL START: February 2nd, 2010
OFFICIAL FINISH: September 28th, 2012 (wow!)
(ps. It turns out it's really, really hard to find 101 doable things I'd love to do and believe are possible for me to achieve in the next three years. Which says, more than anything else, how little I think of my future and my own motivation. Still, it's a wonderful exercise.)
(pps. 101 is a lot of things!:D)
1. Go vegan for at least one month (done two weeks, will try again soon)
2. Earn 2k
3. Move back to Rijeka
4. Finish college (watch it burrrrn!)
5. Write 60 pages (palatino linotype 11) of prose that makes sense (14 so far, and counting :)
6. Publish at least one post a week for a month - done! as of February 23rd, 2010
7. Make tortillas at home at least once more8. Take a one-person, one-week, one-bag, no-nonsense walking trip in my country
9. Wake up at 7am for a week (to study and... live) - done! as of February 8th, 2010
10. Watch the sun rise every day for one week (three down, a lifetime to go)11. Never buy a pair of pants again but make my own (not really planning on doing this one, but still... who knows!)
12. Cook an edible, tasty dinner for 4-5 of my closest friends
13. Learn how to fry soy in breadcrumbs (or anything else, actually)
14. Try yoga
15. Go from 2kg dumbbells to 4kg-s
16. Try step aerobics
17. Have a Star Trek Marathon
18. Have a Star Wars Marathon
19. Have a Star Trek drinking game
20. Go back to Tuscany (a part of my heart will forever remain in those tiny, tiny hills)
21. Do a really big picture of a sexy naked person in multicolour pastels
22. Wear white for a day
23. Learn 20 guitar chords (know 4 so far)
24. Move in with my s. o. (will be hard to convince the other part of this equation, though...)
25. Save and invest 100$ in a cash-fund (yeah, I don't even have that sum yet... working on it)
26. Sell one bag I made myself
27. Wear only clothes I made for one day (still considering making panties, we'll see about that :)
28. Let my hair grow and have shoulder-length hair in my natural color before I cut it short again (growing...)
29. Having finished college, take a break and DO NOTHING for one month (will have to save some money before I put this one into motion)
30. Have a Buffy Marathon
31. Convince one other person to start watching Farscape
32. Write a fairytale
33. Dress up as a stranger on high heels
34. Learn how to drive! (not necessarily paying for the exam, though)
35. Design and produce a dress/outfit for at least one friend
36. Read Romeo and Juliet once more (loved it!)
37. Make a corset
38. Rent a flat in Rijeka
39. Buy cheap boots
40. Draw a sketch of my s. o.
41. Produce a tiny book (inspired by The Handbook for Exceptional People I saw yesterday in my bookstore)
42. Give away (to friends, I guess) or sell at least five books I own and have no need of (3 down, I've no idea how many more to go)
43. Take a hundred photos and do something with them
44. Live in another European city for a month (already done Berlin :)
45. Make syrup from mentha piperita by hand
46. Every day do something towards my need to be a minimalist and design my life :)
47. Have a normal-size rose in my house (preferably outside it, on a balcony or something), if possible, Barkarole
48. Have a mushroom-eating marathon (eat mushroom meals all day long for one day)
49. Do an Usagi-meal day (eat nothing but white food for one day - gnocchi, sour cream, rice, cauliflower... looking forward to this one! :)
50. Speak only Italian for one whole day (luckily most of my friends, including my s. o. and parents, understand it and quite a few speak it better than myself)
51. Collect and dry some herbs for tea with my mother
52. Sleep for one weekend at the inn at my favorite mountain peak, Snježnik (1506 m) (getting excited just thinking about it!)
53. Learn to play 10 Beatles songs on a guitar in correct chords
54. Practice and learn by heart Bach's Prelude No. 1 in C major (BWV 846) from Das Wohltemperierte Klavier
55. Listen to Beethoven for one full hour, doing nothing else except maybe writing my journal (possibly even longer)
56. Go back to the Trogir cathedral, sit there and just enjoy the ceiling without the professors' buzzing (yeah, I'm an architecture geek :) DONE! As of April 26, 2010
57. Keep my laptop alive and running until September 28th, 2012 (doing my best)58. Switch cell companies for the less-expensive one
59. Convince my s. o. to go to hiking with me one day (difficulty rating... 12,5 of 10!)
60. Re-watch Battlestar Galactica (RDM version) from the start
61. Make a blastoff OST compilation and play it loud for myself for one whole day, while doing everything else
62. Get rid of clothes I don't like, need or use very much (all of them)
63. Don't talk to anyone at all for one whole day
64. Spend one Sunday in bed (possibly with order-in food and stuff like that)
65. Sleep on the floor (or some very, very thin mattress) for one week
66. Buy new eyeglasses, and a pretty pair this time
67. Play a GURPS campaign (if none available, convice someone to GM it, if that fails, play DnD instead)
68. Get myself an Anastasia dvd (lost the vhs months ago due to its... ancientness)
69. Find a building that I really, really like in my county and write my finishing paper about it
70. Thoroughly explore the idea of having a tattoo, the designs and my desires, to find out whether or not I'm having one
71. Give away half of my fittonias
72. Go watercolour or coloured pencil sketching outdoors
73. Do a really, really frightening high jump into the sea
74. Watch a Yes dvd with my s. o.
75. Finally go to Gardaland with my s. o.!
76. Get a new, solid cell phone
77. Write a novel (and maybe enter NaNoWriMo - it's actually possible I'll be entering it along with a friend who's interested as well!)
78. Make a really, really tasty vege dish with spices, especially ginger (!)
79. Finally have coffee with a new(er) friend from my library
80. Have a couple of my Zagreb friends come to my current flat
81. Have a cooking party!
82. Give a lecture/workshop on any of my favourite topics (maybe at some of our local SF/F conventions)
83. Host a VorQuiz at Istrakon (good I remembered that!!)
84. Read five books originally not written in English or Croatian
85. Take a picture of every building in Rijeka that I find interesting or, more importantly, beautiful, print 10-20 favourites and put them on a wall/door
86. Watch Fight Club (again) and Watchmen - director's cut (finally)
87. Learn a lot about one topic I know almost nothing of - say, meteorology
88. Have a movie night/afternoon at my place (it's been too long...)
89. Ride a machine
90. Study, without distractions, for the next two-three weeks - done! as of February 23rd, 2010
91. Make myself a woolen sweater in VERY vivid colours :)92. Live for one month in Lumbarda, Korčula, but NOT during the standard summer vacation stay
93. Write at least 10 posts about personal finance for this very blog
94. Take a one-bag travel abroad
95. Paint (or decoupage) the kitchen door in my parents' flat
96. Lie still for an hour watching the night sky
97. Lie still for an hour watching the clouds pass
98. See the sun rise between the spires of the Zagreb cathedral
99. Make 38 sunrise photos
100. Publish 300 posts on this blog (in progress :)
101. Watch Gone With The Wind.
It took me three days to write this list. Hope three years will be enough to do it all.:) Compiling it has been incredibly, incredibly exciting. I feel better already just finding 101 fun challenges that I can do. There will be many more ideas on my mind, sure, but I'll leave them for some non-listed challenges. I think... it will be wonderful three years.
19 & 30 & 37 & 64 & 75 !!! :))) and much much more :)