
April 28, 2010

# 56 is done! *dances around*


I'm really, really glad to inform the general public that number 56 on my 101 in 1001 list, go back to Trogir and sit below the ceiling of its cathedral once more, is done, as of the day before yesterday. It happened totally on random, but it's been great. Thing is, I think they're cleaning it right now as we speak. So, had I come only a couple of months later, the feeling I loved would be gone, because the ceiling will probably be glittering white before the summer. I'm so glad I had the time and the opportunity to see it all black and ancient once more. It is going to take it some hundreds of years to become that dark again.

In the meantime, some really interesting (and quite dangerous, I might add) stuff awaits me this summer. Can't wait to face mortal danger and become a stronger person.